Horse Training Tips
How to Wrap Your Stick and String Neatly
Pull the string tight like a bow and put your thumb on the lowest point to keep the string taut, then...
Hybrid Halter featured on TODAY Show Segment
We were absolutely thrilled to see the HYBRID Halter featured in a segment on the TODAY Show with Jenna Bush about the great work at SPUR (Special People United to Ride). We've...
Using a Lunge N' Slide for Athletic Conditioning of a Horse
Just like we stretch before a workout and capitalize on a balance of weight bearing and cardio exercise for maximum fitness, our horses can benefit from the effects of a...
Teaching a Foal to Follow Small Feels Before Leading
Teaching a foal to lead takes patience and can start in very small ways to get a soft and willing response
Adjustable Horse Halter
The Hybrid Horse Halter from The Horse Education Company Offers Quick and Easy Adjustment for Greater Horse Training Control Most horse halters don't provide leverage, or do so unpredictably, either because...
How to transform a horse that's heavy off your leg to have serious get up and go
Getting responsiveness is straight forward - you don't have to be a professional trainer to enjoy the lightness of a well broke horse, you just need some awareness and discipline...
Lose the Narrative to Propel Your Horse Training Results
We've all caught ourselves doing it... making excuses for ourselves or our horses. Voicing a limiting belief that keeps us from pushing that extra mile to make results happen. Any...
Bringing a Horse Back Into Shape After Time Off
Work, family, injuries, busy schedules, travel, daylight - all can be reasons our horses get a planned or unplanned time off from riding. When its time to step back in...
Slowing down a horse that rushes when being led
Ahhh... finally, you pull back the stall door or the paddock gate for some quality horse time after a hectic day. This will be some relaxing time together you think....until...